WATCH: Grace's Digital Detox video diary

Grace from the Breakfast Show is giving up her smartphone and social media for a whole week.

Published 25th Jan 2017
Last updated 27th Jan 2017

Have you ever felt that you spend too much time on Facebook?

According to a recent study we spend an average of 2 hours per day on social media and more and more people are becoming addicted with their social networks, so much so that it interferes with other aspects of daily life.

Grace admits that she probably spends a bit too much time on her phone so she set herself the challenge of going without her smartphone or social media for a whole week.

Follow her progress here...

Grace handed over her phone during Monday's breakfast show - then Ginno made sure that she definitely couldn't get her hands on it.

Grace gives us an update after 24 hours without her phone or social media.

No phone = no alarm clock, so Grace goes shopping (and uses her husband's phone to bring us this update. Thanks Fraser!)

Last night Grace bought an alarm clock to make sure she would wake up in time for work. How did that go?!

Grace attempts to deliver a prize without the aid of Google Maps on her phone. But will she make it?!

It's the final day of Grace's Digital Detox - and she got her phone back!