Coronation Street spoilers: Todd Grimshaw makes a play for Billy Mayhew

But will he resist temptation?

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 13th Oct 2020

Todd Grimshaw has only been back on Coronation Street for a couple of weeks but already he's wreaking havoc with Billy Mayhew and Paul Foreman's relationship.

When Billy agrees to meet him for a drink at The Rovers Todd reveals he still has feeling for him and reminds him of how good they were together, but will Billy fall for his charms?

Later on Paul is fuming to learn of their meeting and even more upset to realise how Todd has made his way under Billy's skin.

David makes a decision about the house

Meanwhile, Steve McDonald flies out to Germany to try and convince the doctors there to operate on Oliver and Leanne Battersby is angry when she learns Nick Tilsley turned down a huge donation for Oliver.

Gary Windass accepts Ray Crosby's job offer and David Platt makes a decision about the house.

CHECK OUT: Coronation Street Monday 19 - Friday 24 October

In an effort to defend her son Eileen rings up Mick's house from Streetcars phone and yells down the phone, threatening to call the police.

But Eileen doesn't realise it was actually Mick's husband Erik she was speaking to and soon he turns up outside Streetcars and accuses a baffled Tim of having an affair with Mick.

Eileen arrives on the scene to find Tim and Erik rowing in the street and explains it was her that rang but that Mick should keep away from her son.

Meanwhile, Mary is convinced that the noise coming from her attic is the ghost of Pat Phelan and invites Billy over to do an exorcism.

But they're both left stunned when Todd appears at the top of the stairs. Despite Eileen's warnings people won't be happy to see him, Todd heads out.

Later on Billy and Todd meet for a drink at The Rovers where Todd admits he still has feelings for Billy, reminding him of how good they were together.

Billy resists temptation but Paul is furious when he finds out. Billy insists that Todd was the love of his life once, but not any more.

After getting cold feet about his interview for archdeacon, Billy tells Paul that he's postponed the interview leaving Paul convinced it's Todd's doing.

Billy eventually decides to attend but afterward as he moans about Todd's manipulative streak, Paul points out he's already gotten under his skin.

Elsewhere, Maria is sick to the back teeth of their neighbours and puts pressure on Gary to accept Ray's job offer so they can move.

Gary tells Ray he'll find it easier to convince the residents to sell up with him on side, leaving Ray quietly impressed by his confidence.

Meanwhile, Aaron calls round to number eight and explains he'll be cutting down his hours with Shona, leaving David worried about how he'll cope.

He's determined to stay optimistic but when Shona casually drops into conversation details of his prison rape he's livid.

Shona is distressed when she realises she's upset David but doesn't know what she's done wrong. David tells her they'll get the old Shona back together.

In an effort not to destabilise Shona and the kids even more David follows Gary's advice to sell the house to Ray's buyer and rent it back from her.

Shona insists that she doesn't care where they live as long as they're together but when David tells Gail his plans, she's unimpressed.

Elsewhere, the final hearing date for Oliver's case is looming and Steve and Leanne need the German doctors on side as medical experts.

Steve vows to fly out to Germany to speak to the doctors in person and convince them to operate in a last ditch attempt to save Oliver.

But it's not good news when Steve returns home and tells Leanne how sorry he is but the doctors are insistent that Oliver isn't a candidate.

Over in Victoria Gardens, Gail is besotted by her new grandson and helps him to set up a fundraising stand for his step-brother.

But when Natasha turns up, Gail warns her she better not be trying to win back Nick. Natasha insists she just feels sad for his horrible situation.

In a bid to help Natasha introduces Leanne to a journalist friend who wants to write about their situation to increase fundraising potential.

But during the interview, the journalist crosses a line mentioning Oliver's impending death and a distraught Leanne flies of the handle, ordering her out.

Later on, Natasha calls round to apologise for the interview and offers to donate £20k to Oliver's fund, insinuating she'd already offered the money.

Leanne turns on Nick, demanding to know why he didn't mention the money and orders him to accept it as they need the money for the legal fees.

Leanne is devastated as she assumes Nick didn't mention the money because he's given up on Oliver. Nick confides in Gail that he thinks Leanne is fighting a losing battle.

Meanwhile at The Rovers, Johnny tells Scott he can't help him on the job as Jenny has booked them a few days away in the lakes.

A sinister Scott reminds Johnny that unless he holds up his end of the deal, Jenny will find out that he was involved in a robbery and left a man for dead...

But here's what's happening this week on the cobbles...

Gary Windass' money worries are worsening and he's forced to cut Fiz Brown's hours when Kevin Webster raises the rent on the furniture shop.

But despite Ray Crosby offering to buy the factory off him, Gary isn't selling and soon he uncovers there's more to Ray's offer than meets the eye.

Leanne isn't happy with Nick

Elsewhere, David Platt is struggling to manage Shona Ramsay's behaviour and when she brings a load of randoms to Audrey Roberts' 80th birthday, he struggles to keep his temper.

Meanwhile, the Grimshaws hold a fake funeral for Todd to throw Mick off the scent and Scott threatens to expose Johnny Connor's criminal past if he doesn't help him.

When is Corrie on TV?

Corrie is back to six episodes a week, airing Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30 and 8.30pm.

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