£1K Minute: In Only Fools and Horses what was Derek Trotters nickname?

Play the £1K Minute with Scottish Vauxhall

Only Fools and Horses
Author: Beth SmartPublished 20th Aug 2019

We play the £1K Minute every weekday on Dan and Grace in the Morning at 8.10am with Scottish Vauxhall. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £1000!

Here's the latest set of questions from 16/08/19. It was Dominic from Alness that was playing and he scored 4/10 on these questions.

Do you want to play the £1K Minute? Register here to be added to the list


1) In the TV show Only Fools and Horses what was Derek Trotters nickname?

2) What time during the week does Hollyoaks start on channel 4?

3) Who is the Queen married too?

4) In a manual car what pedal is in the middle?

5) What is 9 X 10?

6) Emma Watson and Meryl Streep are actors involved in the remake of which film?

7) Where in the North of Scotland would you find the Strathisla distillery?

8) What was the name of the policeman in the kids cartoon Top Cat?

9) What band had the big hit red red red wine?

10) Which popular alcoholic beverage is made from rice?


1) Del Boy 2) 6.30pm 3) Prince Phillip 4) Brake 5) 90 6) Little women 7) Keith 8) Officer Dibble 9) UB40 10) SAKE