£1K Minute: How many bones does a horse have?


Published 17th Sep 2019

We play the £1K Minute every weekday on Dan and Grace in the Morning at 8.25am with Scottish Vauxhall. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £1000!

Here's the latest set of questions from the 17th of September 2019. It was Ryan from Elgin and he got 5/10.

Do you want to play the £1K Minute? Register here to be added to the list.


  1. How many bones does a horse have? 205 or 206?
  1. Which country does Peroni originate from?
  1. Is there a four leaf clover or a three leaf clover on the Celtic badge?
  1. Take it Easy, Hotel California and Desperado are hits for which band?
  1. Which bird has the largest wingspan?
  1. Who won the Solhiem Cup? The USA or Europe
  1. What would you use a spurtle for?
  1. What is 9 squared?
  1. What is the original name for a Snickers chocolate bar?
  1. What is the name of the fort beside Ardersier?


1) 205 2) Italy 3) Four leaf 4) The Eagles 5) Albatross 6) Europe 7) Porridge/stirring porridge 8) 91 9) Marathon Bar 10) Fort Georg