Kim Kardashian eats placenta after giving birth to son

She claims it has health benefits

Published 18th Dec 2015

Following the birth of her second child, Saint West, Kim Kardashian has supposedly said she wants to eat the placenta.

In a blog titled 'Eating My Placenta' she wrote that she's having it made into pill form - although some 'fry it like steak' she added.

She said: “I really didn't want the baby blues and thought I can't go wrong with taking a pill made of my own hormones—made by me, for me. … I totally recommend it for anyone considering it!”

She's not the first or last celebrity to do it, with some claiming the nutrients in it boosts milk production and helps ward off post natal depression.

Kim had praised it having eaten the placenta following the birth of her first child, North West.

However, research published earlier this year suggested there are no health benefits, regardless how you eat it.

Each to their own, we'll stick to mince pies.