Thank you for supporting MFR Cash for Kids in 2020

MFR Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity raising money throughout the year to give children across the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire a brighter future. Everything raised locally stays local.

Groups, charities and individuals can apply to us for funding with our focus being on children who are unwell, living with a disability, in poverty or those who simply need a little extra support in life. We are a lifeline to children and families in our area, working to give youngsters in our community the childhood they deserve. Many have nowhere else to turn when they ask us for support. As far as we are aware we’re the only grant giving charity in the area that can turn an emergency application around within 48 hours, this is crucial when a family are in crisis.

Many families find themselves in difficult situations through no fault of their own, with their children not having suitable winter clothing, going without meals, sharing beds and unable to take part in after school activities. We may take all of these things for granted, but your help can make all the difference to these children.

We reached out and supported over 12,000 children in 2020 thanks to your support.

After a busy start to 2020, our fundraising calendar was wiped out in March as we faced the Coronavirus pandemic. With the schools closing and numerous people furloughed we knew that the children and families in our community would need us more than ever.

We acted quickly to establish the Cash for Kids Appeal, an emergency fund to support children and families who were impacted by the crisis with basic essentials such as food, household bills, baby items, clothing and even stationery and activity packs to help with home schooling and boredom during lockdown. By the end of the year we had supported 2,144 children through this appeal.

We will continue offer these grants as long as funds permit.

Our work didn’t stop there. We continued to grant out funds to children who were unwell, living with a disability or who simply needed a little extra support in life.

We purchased a specialist pushchair for a 13 year old boy with complex needs. His mum told us that it’s been a lifeline during lockdown allowing them to take him out of the house safely to enjoy daily walks and fresh air. Without our support they would have been confined to the house.

We granted funds to a family for a specialist care base snug bed for their four year old girl. She has complex needs, is blind, non-verbal and is peg fed. This bed has been built specifically to her needs providing a comfortable, safe and secure environment.

We funded a glucose monitoring system for a young boy who is diabetic. His mum told us: "I cannot even begin to express how much this has improved his health, increased his quality of life emotionally and physically and allowed him the priceless freedom of being a child."

These are just some of the children we supported throughout 2020.

This year we need your help more than ever as the pandemic continues to impact on all our lives. Your support is vital to all our beneficiaries. Together we can make a difference and ensure that children in the our community have the best possible future.

For the latest from MFR Cash for Kids keep an eye on our website at and our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! You can also contact us for more information.