Online auction raises over £20,000

You've helped us raise a fantastic amount of money for local kids!

Online Auction 2020
Published 20th May 2020

We are simply blown away! Our 2020 Online Auction has raised over £20,000.

Thank you so much for every single business that donated and every individual who placed a bid – we hope you were lucky and managed to secure the item you were looking for!

A special shout out to our pals Peat & Diesel who alone raised £9605!

They allowed us to auction off an exclusive performance in one lucky bidders home for up to 40 of their friends and family. After a crazy bidding war this was sold for just over £4605.

The person who just lost out on this fantastic prize contacted us and offered £5000 if Peat & Diesel would agree to perform for them. We were absolutely speechless in the office but picked up the phone to ask the question and we overjoyed with the boys agreed – we really can’t thank them and all the bidders enough for this huge boost to our funds.

Peat & Diesel