Kick the coffee for the kids!

Have a go at giving up coffee for Caffeine Awareness Month in aid of our 500 Faces campaign

Published 1st Mar 2017
Last updated 10th Mar 2017

As March is Caffeine Awareness Month, and since the amount of caffeine we all consume from coffee, tea, energy drinks and even chocolate bars is a hot topic at the moment, why not kick the habit for Cash for Kids and sign up for 500 Faces instead** of having a cuppa**?!

We’re looking for people to raise £100 each by the end of the year, and if you donated just £3 a week to Cash for Kids instead of having a Latte or Macchiato from your favourite coffee shop that would come to over £120 by the time we hit 2018 – easily smashing the target!

This is just one idea; you can fundraise in any way you choose, the wackier the better! Everyone who signs up receives a fundraising pack chock-full of ideas and useful materials, a donation box, a 500 Faces badge and your very own fundraising page where you can keep everyone up to date with your progress.

Every penny raised will stay right here in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire to make a difference to the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children, as we’ll as giving you a health boost!

If you're feeling inspired and would like to join in you can find out more here.