Faces Presents...

See how some of our Faces are getting on with their fundraising

Our 500 Faces campaign is in full swing and we've had some amazing activity happening around the region so far!

Check out some of our featured faces below, and sign upsign up for your chance to be in our next update!

Face 213 Loch Ness Jacobite – Kelly Mackenzie

#TeamJacobite have signed up to MFR's 500 faces campaign and we need your help to make a difference! Over the course of the campaign, we will be doing different fundraisers to raise as much money as possible for a wonderful cause. Whilst the automated target is ÂŁ100 - we want to go much higher and raise ÂŁ1,000... We can do it!

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Face 217 Gleaner Oils – Isla Anderson

Staff from Gleaner Oils are raising money for MFR's Cash for Kids 500 faces campaign by participating in our own Big 10 Challenge. 10 Depots, 10 months, fundraising for 10 children. Staff from our 10 depots across Scotland, will be participating in a series of challenges over the next 10 months in the aim of raising enough money to support at least 10 local children.

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Face 244 The Fade Inn Barbour – Allana

I held a charity event in my barber shop in May to raise funds for MFR Cash for Kids. All the earnings from the day were donated and I was delighted to raise ÂŁ145.

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Face 250 Simpsons Florists – Jill

We're raising money to support Cash for Kids in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire. Everything Cash for Kids do is for the benefit of children and young people. With all cash raised locally and spent locally their focus is on alleviating disability, combating illness and improving quality of life. We are hosting a race night, raffle and disco. If you can't make the event and would like to contribute to our fundraising for this amazing charity, we would be very grateful. Any amount you care to give is very much supported.

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Face 236 Deliveroo – Nicholas

My name is Nick and I'm currently one of Deliveroo's Riders and for the whole month of April I donated £1 for every delivery I made in Inverness. I’m so pleased that I raised £153. Visit page >Visit page >

To become a face yourself and help Cash for Kids support local children **you can sign up here**you can sign up here. By raising just ÂŁ100 by the end of 2017 you'd be helping us make a huge difference to their lives.