ABO Wind

The Inverness-based team of ABO Wind UK chose to support MFR Cash for Kids.

Published 19th Jan 2015
Last updated 7th Feb 2017

The Inverness-based team of ABO Wind UK chose to support MFR Cash for Kids because it believes that there is nothing more important than investing in a child’s future.

And the team – Tom Harrison and Jemima Gunn - have both worked with or been involved in the lives of young people who have extra support needs, are challenging or have faced neglect or abuse.

Tom said: “I have seen first-hand the challenges faced by today’s young people and children and MFR Cash For Kids really does cover all bases in the work that it does to help these youngsters. ABO Wind is developing in the MFR Cash For Kids region and as a company we are committed to getting involved in the communities we work in.”

Jemima who has worked in a respite holiday programme for school-aged children with learning difficulties or disabilities such as cerebral palsy, down’s syndrome and autism added: “ABO is here to stay, renewable energy is here to stay and the unfortunate truth is that without the work of charities and organisations like MFR Cash For Kids, the difficulties some youngsters and families face are also here to stay. We are proud to support a cause that is trying to change that.”

ABO Wind has already donated £5000 to MFR Cash For Kids and Jemima also chose to take part in its Big Bake Day raising £95 (see images above & below).

The team look forward to getting involved in more fundraising events over the coming months.