Your help supports over 5000 in MFR Cash for Kids latest grant round

You've helped us grant out over ÂŁ50,000

MFR Cash for Kids supported music therapy at The Butterfly Room, Cauldeen Primary.
Published 20th May 2020

The MFR Cash for Kids Local Executive Board met in early February to go over the latest applications.

Your incredible donations enabled us to grant over ÂŁ58,000 supporting 5307 children in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire. We are delighted to be able to support so many groups, charities and individuals in our community.

Your help has enabled us to fund school trips and uniforms, art sessions, specialised equipment, sensory items, outdoor education sessions, beds and bedding, mental health support services for teenagers, swimming lessons, activities for young carers and much more.

That is all thanks to YOU!

Our focus is on giving children in our area the best possible future but we can only do that with your help.

What’s RAISED LOCAL STAYS LOCAL and what a difference it really does make.

From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU.