MFR Cash for Kids fund specialised trike for Eilidh

Your support made this happen!

Eilidh and her new trike.
Published 20th May 2020

Meet Eilidh.

Eilidh is 3 years old and has Cri Du Chat syndrome. This means that she has mobility and developmental delay.

At the moment Eilidh is unable to walk and communicates through Makaton. Eilidh gets a lot of support from physio and occupational therapy as well as speech and language therapy. She is a very happy little girl and makes her family very proud every day.

MFR Cash For Kids recently purchased a Theraplay Trike for her. This will help with her physical and mental development as well as being great fun.

Her Mum told us; “Eilidh has been out on her trike a few times now and this photo really captures the sheer joy on her face when she's on it! She absolutely loves her trike! The photo was taken at the UHI campus and it was so nice for Eilidh to be out on her 'bike' with all the other children and not just watching from her buggy.”

Thank you for supporting MFR Cash for Kids from Eilidh and her family.