WATCH: Scottish meteor caught on camera

A “huge” white flash and even the sound of an explosion seen and heard across Scotland last night have got everyone talking on social media.

Published 1st Mar 2016

A suspected meteor shower triggered calls to police from people claiming their homes shook.

The spectacle on Monday evening was witnessed across Scotland, and prompted many to report the sight of a fireball'' in the sky and a violent bang.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said they began receiving calls at around 6.55pm on Monday evening.

She said: One told us the sky had been lit up with an object like a fireball. Another caller said there was a very loud bang and others said the house shook.

We know police in Inverness and in the south also received calls - it was seen by people across Scotland.

We have checked and been told it was likely to be a meteor shower.''

MFR received a large number of calls from listeners this morning to share their experiences of the meteor.

Keith was on his way home after working at Macallan distillery near Charlestown of Aberlour. He initially thought it was a bolt of lightning.

He told MFR's Ginno: "I was driving home last night and there was this massive flash. It was unbelievable; the whole world went white."

MFR listener Darren was at a farm near Elgin and he admitted to Ginno that the whole experience left him with a "freaky" feeling.

"I got straight on the phone to the wife and I said 'I'm just phoning to say cheerio because I think we're all going to get wiped out.'"

The bright white streak across the night sky sparked speculation on social media whether it was an astronomical event, military activity or, perhaps more far-fetched, linked to British astronaut Tim Peake.

Inverness SNP member Jackie Hendry tweeted: Did anyone else see that big white flash in the sky ... I reckon it was Tim Peake.''

Madcow_paula tweeted: LOL ... some reckon @astro_timpeake dropped something causing a big white flash in the sky over Scotland this evening!''

SteveCDT1986 tweeted:Big white flash and some sort of meteor in the night sky. Looked really close aswell. #endoftheworld #armageddon.''

@Colsuth tweeted: saw it here in Moray just as we were passing RAF Lossie. Thought it was from there.''

A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said they would not discuss if there was any link to any operations in the area.

Video footage courtesy of: Jenni Morrison / YouTube Dee Scholes / Facebook @ObiWanMacJock / Twitter Bill Addison / Facebook