Scottish Greens put economy, care and housing at centre of manifesto

Middle earners should pay a few pounds more in income tax to fund improved public services, the Scottish Greens have said at the launch of their election manifesto.

Published 12th Apr 2016

Middle earners should pay a few pounds more in income tax to fund improved public services, the Scottish Greens have said at the launch of their election manifesto.

Plans to improve the economy, care services and housing were singled out as the party's most pressing priorities as the manifesto was unveiled in Edinburgh.

Co-convener Patrick Harvie will also push for a more radical tax plan'' if voters give him another chance to put pressure on the Scottish government.

Mr Harvie also insisted he is not at all concerned'' about the increasing popularity of UKIP.

Greens want to create 200,000 jobs in green industries, introduce a carers wage'', improve private housing standards and rents, and give the public more say in planning decisions.

Under the party's tax plans, everyone earning less than ÂŁ26,500 would be better off, median earners on ÂŁ27,710 would pay an extra ÂŁ24 a year, and those on an MSP's salary of ÂŁ60,685 would pay ÂŁ938 more annually. Those earning more than #150,000 would pay 60% tax.

Mr Harvie told the Press Association: I am really surprised and disappointed that the SNP are not offering a more radical plan on taxation.

It's not going to generate additional revenue by not implementing a tax cut that you were never going to do anyway.

Retaining the single basic rate of income tax for everything up to ÂŁ40,000-plus is absurd.

We can very clearly have a lower rate for people on a lower band and a higher rate for people who are earning a bit more and can afford to pay a few pounds a month more.

If you're on ÂŁ27,000 to ÂŁ30,000, you might be paying ÂŁ2 or ÂŁ3 more in income tax.

The alternative is that we see our public services put under pressure.

You might send your children to school but have to pay more for extra-curricular services because the council keeps making cuts.

Your elderly relative might have their care services cut or delivered by people under ever greater stress and pressure.''

The Scottish Greens will also oppose proposals to scrap air passenger duty.

Mr Harvie added: Most people making a decision about a family holiday are not going to be put off by a few pounds difference on their aviation fare. It's only a tiny element of the overall cost of a holiday.

We can save people far more money not just on that one annual holiday - or for the wealthy several holidays a year - by investing in the priorities that make a difference every day of our lives.''

UKIP gained nearly a fifth more votes than the Scottish Greens at the 2015 general election, although it contested more seats, and nearly a quarter more votes in the 2014 European Parliament poll.

However, the Scottish Greens gained nearly five times as many votes as UKIP at the last Scottish election. Both are following a similar strategy focused largely on the regional list ballot.

Mr Harvie said: I'm not at all concerned about a party that seems to think the most important things to change about Scotland are more drink-driving and more smoking in pubs.

I don't think people are going to take them seriously, especially when they are represented by a rather boorish, rude and arrogant fool.''