LISTEN: Findhorn refugee group hope more families can be resettled in Moray

Fundraiser says, "It's time to make changes in the world"

Published 7th Mar 2016

An aid group hopes that the successful resettlement of four families in the Forres area can lead to others being helped in Moray.

Annie Crawford of the Findhorn Foundation's refugee support group says, "It's about awareness and educating people as to their needs and vulnerabilities. It's a big journey for us all to open our hearts to help these people who've been displaced for terrible reasons"

Annie was part of the Foundation's initial fundraiser which pulled in ÂŁ3,500 but then they set about collecting clothes and other items for the crisis.

Warm clothes, jackets, jumpers, shoes, blankets, tents and sleeping bags were provided and subsequently sorted by the Moray Supports Refugees group in Elgin.

Annie says "I think there'll be hundreds more who'll come, and there's a big energy for that to happen, particularly in Moray. Once the ball starts rolling and the ripple effect is felt then it mightn't be such a challenging journey as some people might've thought"

"It's time to make changes in the world, this is the time to start"

"I couldn't bear just sitting doing nothing, the despair was causing me concern, and I formed a sub-group within our community to help the refugees"

One of the Findhorn Community members was in touch with Moray Council's re-settlement programme and they funded a food box programme for the refugees.

The boxes included welcoming messages translated for the new families and even things to remind them of home like certain spices.