Haggis could be on menus in US by 2017

Published 13th Nov 2015

Haggis could be back on the menu in the United States in the next 24 months as a result of changes in the rules due to be published next year, Scotland's Rural Affairs Secretary has said.

Richard Lochhead has held meetings in the US this week in a bid to lift the import ban on the traditional Scottish delicacy.

Haggis sales to America have been prohibited since 1971 because some of the ingredients - including sheep's lungs - are banned there.

After holding talks with Lisa Mensah, an under-secretary in the US Department of Agriculture, and representatives of the US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Mr Lochhead said they had confirmed draft rules to be published in 2016 would pave the way for sales of both haggis and Scotch lamb in the US from the following year.

He said: "Getting back into the US market in 2017 would unlock a huge market and millions of pounds of business for our Scotch lamb and haggis producers.

"Scotch lamb is among the best in the world and the Scotch label is seen as a real hallmark of quality, and getting back into the US market would be a real breakthrough.

"We know that around 10 million US citizens claim Scottish heritage so we have a ready-made market with them and with Scots at heart. Of course exports to the US will also be a real boost for producers and farmers and benefit our economy.''

Mr Lochhead has been in both America and Canada this week, carrying out a series of engagements to promote Scottish food and drink.

He was joined at the talks by Rob Livesey, vice-president of the farmers' union NFU Scotland, George Milne from the National Sheep Association and James Macsween, the director of haggis maker Macsween of Edinburgh.

Mr Macsween said: "Macsween of Edinburgh - who are Scotland's leading manufacturer of the national dish - are very excited about the prospect of exporting haggis to the US within the next 24 months. It will be a massive opportunity for us and the industry.''

Mr Livesey said: "The opening of this market will be a real shot in the arm for our primary producers, who need every market opportunity available to give much-needed confidence to make positive breeding decisions now in anticipation of an upturn demand for our top quality product.''