Ginno's top 5 Sunday strolls

A selection of the best short walks in the North of Scotland

Published 12th Jan 2016

By Ginno Conti | Ginno@Breakfast

It’s always a good idea to lie on the couch at the weekend after a busy week at the graft. But, it’s also a good idea to get up and about and get some fresh air in you. Now and again I head out and take in a part of the North of Scotland as a new experience during a “Sunday Stroll” and here are some of the best ones out there.

Falls of Foyers – This is one of my regulars, as soon as you get there you cannot avoid the sound of the falls and have to find out where it’s coming from. Also, check out Lower Foyers too as there’s a very cool old fashioned wagon and a tarzan swing on the beach. Make sure you wrap up your visit with some cake and a brew at Cameron’s Tearoom.

Dores Beach – If you get the weather right this is an amazing place. You can literally sit there and let all your troubles float out into Loch Ness. Get yourself a decent flat stone and try to get more than three skimmers. Also, if you take a walk through the woods there, you’ll find a cool pier about half an hour into your walk if you stick to the bank for some nice photos. Plus, there’s a pub!

Green Loch – I have never been but I plan to make this one of my next stops. Loch An Uaine - The Green Loch. It’s a very unusual colour for a Loch in Scotland but it does exist. Legend has it the water is green because pixies and fairies used it to wash their clothes in it.

Pluscarden Abbey – There’s nothing wrong with adding a bit of history to your healthy walk.

Rosemarkie Beach – A Black Isle favourite, even more so when the wee shop is open for an ice cream, you could even have a game of tennis! The views are absolutely stunning and it’s not just for humans, dogs love to bound along the beach as well. I usually alternate things by either walking along the back of the beach then on the sand itself or vice versa.

Where's your favourite place to take a Sunday stroll in the North of Scotland? Share the details in the comments below.