Alness teen robbed on footpath

He was stopped Tuesday night on the path between Pipersfield and Kirkside by two men.

Published 15th Dec 2016

As part of ongoing enquiries, Police in Alness are appealing for witnesses following an incident where a teenage boy was reportedly robbed in the town.

Around 7.55pm on Tuesday the 13th of December, the man was approached by two unknown men on a pathway between Pipersfield and Kirkside.

Following a brief altercation the men made off with a some money. The victim wasn’t injured during incident.

A description of one of the suspects is: around six foot tall, medium build and wearing a blue tracksuit with ‘Nike’ written on the trouser leg and the hooded top.

Officers are carrying a number of lines of enquiry, including door to door calls in the local area, and would appeal to anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information to make contact via 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.