8 lies every Highland granny told their grandkids

How many of these white lies did your granny tell you when you were growing up?

Published 18th Jan 2016

By Dan Gilchrist | MFR Home Run

On average we tell about 3,000 white lies to our kids or grandchildren while they're growing up, according to a new piece of research.

It got me thinking about some of the best white lies I remember from my childhood.

How many of these little fibs did your granny tell you when you were growing up?

1. The haggis is a wee animal with short legs on one side and longer legs on the other, so it could run around the hills.

2. Nessie is real. She must just be sleeping at the moment.

3. Your dad was always “away seeing a man about a dog”.

4. If an ice cream van was playing its chimes it meant they'd sold out of ice cream.

5. Every street you weren’t allowed to go down had the bogeyman living on it.

6. “Wee Willie Winkie will get you if you don’t go to bed right this minute.”

7. When you were pulling faces, you’d be told: “If the wind changes yer face’ll stay like that!”

8. If you ate your crusts you’d get curly hair.

Get involved

What white lies did your granny tell you? Let me know in the comments below, on the MFR Facebook page or email dan@mfr.co.uk. I'd love to hear from you.