Twitter pokes fun at Chris Martin for being the new 'Left Shark' at the Super Bowl

Viewers thought he looked a bit out of place.

Published 8th Feb 2016

Chris Martin has been declared as the new ‘Left Shark’ following his performance at the Super Bowl.

The term was last heavily used when a dancer in a shark costume performed with Katy Perry at last year’s Super Bowl event.

The ‘Left Shark’ came to mean when someone dances out of time and a bit awkwardly but in an endearing way.

Despite an amazing half time performance with Bruno Mars and Beyoncé, you have to admit it’d be hard to match their dance moves and viewers seemed to feel like he was left looking a little out of place.

As you can imagine Twitter found it hilarious, with actress Anna Kendrick even weighing in on it.

See their performance below.

The show also saw Lady Gaga perform the national anthem and Beyoncé perform with Coldplay for their new single 'Hymn For The Weekend'.