LISTEN: Inverness Top For Cyclists Riding To Work

Inverness has the most people cycling to work than any other city in Scotland.

Published 16th Jun 2015

More people are cycling to work in Inverness than anywhere else in Scotland.

Data analysed from the Census shows that 5.6% of journeys made to work by Inverness workers are by bike, the highest of the 7 Scottish cities.

At the same time, HITRANS has reported that 22,500 people have used the Millburn Road Cycle Route in Inverness since a counter was installed at the start of this year, averaging 250 per day during drier weather.

This is set to increase as the Golden Bridge over the A9 into Inverness Campus is now open to the public.

MFR News speaks with Neil MacRae from HITRANS...

Ranald Roberston, Director of HITRANS said: "This can only be good news in benefiting people’s health, reducing traffic congestion and reducing our carbon footprint.

“We are working extremely hard with our council partners in the Highlands and Islands and Sustrans to promote active travel, including safe cycle routes."

Fiona McInally, Active Travel Officer with HITRANS, cycles to work whenever she can. She said: “Small changes can have big impacts and people will soon feel the benefits of cycling to school or work two times a week.“

Stuart Black, Director of Development and Infrastructure with The Highland Council said: "“The Highlands are a great place to cycle.

"The recent statistics support the recognition Inverness recently received as Scotland’s cycling city.

"Promoting the benefits of cycling and investing in infrastructure will be a key part of achieving our goal of becoming a low carbon Highlands by 2025.”