Who was the 16-year-old who killed Bailey Gwynne?

A clearer picture has emerged of the 16-year-old convicted of killing Bailey Gwynne.

Published 8th Mar 2016

A clearer picture has emerged of the 16-year-old convicted of killing Bailey Gwynne.

The boy, who can't be named for legal reasons, was painted in court as a self conscious individual who did not have many friends, and had never had a girlfriend.

When asked to describe himself in an interview to Police, he replied "fat".

The accused also told Police that he bought illegal weapons online in order to "act tough" and "cool" because he "never fit in".

It was revealed he had secrectly ordered them online, and would have them delivered to his shed, so his mother didn't find out.

He told Police he carried a folding knife in his blazer at school "everyday", and a friend who gave evidence during the trial said the accused had shown him a knife on around 25 different occasions before the attack.

Headteacher of Cults Academy, Anna Muirhead revealed that the accused was warned of the dangers of carrying knives to school around two years ago.

It's also now understood that concerns were raised about the accused's behaviour in Primary School, when he reportedly assaulted a fellow pupil with rocks.

He broke down in court during the trial, when a Police Officer described finding him distressed after the attack on Bailey last October.

A jury found him guilty of culpable homicide at the High Court in Aberdeen yesterday, and he will be sentenced on April 1.