Newcastle MP backs theatre calls for better support for sexual assault survivors

Newcastle Central's Chi Onwurah brought up No. 9 in Parliament on International Women's Day

Author: Ellie KumarPublished 16th Mar 2022

A Newcastle MP is backing calls from a local playwright - for better support and aftercare for the survivors of sexual assault.

No. 9 has just finished its run at Alphabetti Theatre in Newcastle city centre, and now writer Anna Robinson would like to take the show into organisations like universities - to spread the message to more people.

It aims to raise awareness of the impact of trauma - and the lack of resources many organisations have for responding to victims.

During the run, the play - which is based on a true story - was seen by Newcastle Central MP, Labour's Chi Onwurah, who then raised the subject of the play during a Parliamentary debate on International Women's Day this month.

We sat down with both Anna and Chi, to discuss the play's impact and its future.


"I think it was the first time that I'd heard it being say that it was my story

"And obviously it is my story, but i think lots of people come out not realising HOW much of it was my story, and to have it said in parliament it was just incredible

"I know my name is mentioned, but i think so many women feel like they've been named within parliament and feel really heard.

"There's definitely a sense of hope within that as well, in seeing that happen."


"That's really why I wanted to raise it, it was International Women's Day, and as part of that Parliament was having a debate, called by the Labour Party - the opposition - on sexual violence against women.

"We all know what an important subject that is - and the shadow minister, my colleague Ellie Reeves was opening by talking about the importance of women's voices - survivors' or victims' voices

"That's what I wanted to raise it because it was so relevant."

Anna hopes by showing the play to other audiences, particularly in Universities and colleges, the conversations around trauma and support for survivors of sexual assault can be changed, with more emphasis put on pastoral care.

Chi Onwurah agrees that it would be a good platform to bring that discussion to the front, especially in Newcastle - which has 2 large universities and a huge student and nightlife population;

"I also know, because women students come to me and contact me, there are issues in terms of the culture

"There are issues of violence against women and girls, there are issues about not feeling secure, there are issues about what might be called Banter not being taken seriously,

"All those issues are part of the student experience."

READ MORE: Newcastle theatre production calls for better support for sexual assault survivors

For more support and resources - you can contact Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland - and more information on the show is available on Twitter.

You can find out more about Alphabetti Theatre via their website and Twitter.

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