Hundreds of vulnerable young people at risk of sleeping rough on North East streets this Christmas

We told you last week that nearly 2,500 teens had turned to local councils here for help finding a place to live - just 3% got financial help

A person sleeping rough
Author: Luke WilsonPublished 30th Nov 2018

Thousands of vulnerable young people will be homeless or at risk of homelessness in the weeks leading up to Christmas, a charity has said.

Centrepoint said 18,000 young people aged 16-25 in the UK are currently or under threat of sleeping rough, and warned that homelessness is not always visible.

The charity has dubbed November 30 "Bleak Friday'', a spin on last week's Black Friday, to highlight the challenges facing homeless young people over the festive period.

Its research found 93% of people who have slept rough felt that no-one cared about them and a quarter of homeless young people (26%) have stayed with a stranger because they had nowhere else to turn.

Centrepoint is supporting Zinnia, from Sunderland, who became homeless after she was kicked out by her foster parents following the birth of her daughter.

She suffered from post-natal depression and found herself sofa surfing when she agreed to put her baby up for adoption.

The 23-year-old is now in her second year of a painting and decorating apprenticeship and is living in privately rented accommodation, with help from Centrepoint.

She said:

"They encouraged me to look for a job that would make me happy and painting and decorating is the only thing that really helps me.

"Getting a job has really helped with my mental health, being motivated, helped my confidence.

"I'm definitely more in control of everything now than I was beforehand.''

Centrepoint's research said 26% of young homeless people found themselves sofa-surfing and 68% were staying temporarily with extended family or friends to avoid abusive situations.

This is the first year that Zinnia plans on celebrating Christmas, having previously spent the festive season alone as it brings back bad memories and causes anxiety.

She said:

"Centrepoint support young people, to help them get a home, and they're just basically letting them know that there's someone out there who cares about them.

"Centrepoint went from supporting me to me now classing them as basically my family.

"I think all young people deserve that.''

Seyi Obakin, Centrepoint chief executive, said:

"For many, Christmas is a season to splurge with thousands enjoying the Black Friday deals, but for young homeless people it can be bleak, scary and sometimes life-threatening.

"While many of us are surrounded by friends and family, enjoying the festivities, it can be easy to forget that not everyone has the same support network or even a safe space to sleep.

"With the problem of youth homelessness growing, we need help now more than ever to protect these vulnerable young people and help them have a brighter New Year.''

Minister for homelessness Heather Wheeler said:

"We are investing more than £1.2 billion to tackle all forms of homelessness, including amongst young people, who should always have a roof over their heads, regardless of the season.

"Our new Homelessness Reduction Act requires councils to intervene sooner and help those at risk of being left with nowhere to go, and is already making a difference.

"Councils have access to more than £90 billion this year and next to meet the needs of their residents, and we announced extra money for them at Budget.''

Centrepoint is urging people to donate to support those in need this winter, by visiting