#AlanBarnes Attacker Given 4 Years

Published 2nd Apr 2015

The man who mugged Gateshead pensioner Alan Barnes has been jailed for 4 years.. 25-year-old drug addict Richard Gatiss admitted knocking the disabled 67-year-old to the floor in January. Well-wishers who were moved by the plight of 67-year-old Alan Barnes raised ÂŁ330,000 for him within days of the assault.

The 25-year-old pushed Mr Barnes over as he put out the bins, breaking his collar bone. Gatiss was desperate for money to buy so-called legal highs when he tried to mug him.

He was jailed at Newcastle Crown Court after previously admitting assault with intent to rob.

Judge Paul Sloan QC said:

"I have no doubt he was picked on by you because of his vulnerability. It was on any view a despicable offence."

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Gatiss, from Split Crow Road, Gateshead, was caught after police retrieved DNA evidence from the pocket on Mr Barnes's jacket.

He had run off empty handed from the mugging when Mr Barnes shouted for help.

While on remand, Gatiss was kept in segregation for his own safety due to the strong feelings his attack caused even among convicted criminals.

Mr Barnes, who was too scared to move back to his home in Low Fell, Gateshead, after the mugging, will buy a new house with the money raised online.

The fund was set up by local beautician Katie Cutler, 21, who initially hoped to raise ÂŁ500, enough to buy new carpets or curtains.

But the appeal went viral and his family called a halt when the total reached ÂŁ330,000. Many donors also left messages expressing their disgust that such a vulnerable man could be attacked.

Mr Barnes's disabilities were caused when his mother contracted German measles during pregnancy.

He and Ms Cutler plan to use their new high profile to launch a foundation with the aim of raising ÂŁ1 million for good causes.