Sam Bailey is In:Demand
Your 2013 X Factor Winner speaks to Alex James about the shock of winning, and takes our Christmas #1 quiz

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Your 2013 X Factor Winner speaks to Alex James
Fresh from taking the X Factor crown, Sam Bailey is still coming to terms with winning this year's show, "I'm like a deer in the headlights, but it's all good. It's one of those moments where you feel like you're sitting behind yourself saying 'Is that really me? Is this really happening?' and that's what I've been doing since the final.
"I was getting out of the car this morning and there were loads of paparazzi there for me and it just felt really strange that they were shouting my name."
Speaking about working with Sharon Osbourne, Sam said, "She's an absolute legend. She's been a tower of strength for me and I've been the same for her. It doesn't feel like she's been a mentor, it's just felt like I've had a laugh with my best mate."
Click play to listen to the other highlights from the interview and watch Sam singing Skyscraper as the X Factor 2013 Winner.