Harry Styles FINALLY reveals short hair on Snapchat


Published 5th Jul 2016

The Harry Styles hair saga began back in May when it emerged he had chopped off his luscious long locks for charity but now Harry has finally given us a look at his shorter hair!

The One Direction man was captured on Snapchat by his sister Gemma with his shorter locks on show.

Gemma posted the snap on July 4th with the caption ‘Independence Day shirt…? No…? Did I…?’

Harry Styles | © @gemmastyles Snapchat

It has been reported that Harry decided to chop of his locks for his debut acting role in the upcoming Christopher Nolan film, Dunkirk. Harry is staring alongside Tom Hardy and Mark Rylance and will play the role of a World War 2 solider living throughout the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940.

Back in May the Internet went into totally meltdown when a man named Ellis Lacy supposedly posted the first snap of Harry’s new locks with him looking totally different.

After fans expressed their opinions for the new look, prankster Ellis then revealed the picture was in fact a very clever face swap. He used Snapchat’s face swap filler to superimpose Harry’s face onto his own head, leaving amazing results.

Photos of Harry on the Dunkirk set then emerged on Twitter with fans getting a view of the short look.

Since then we have had glimpses of Harry’s hair but Gemma’s snap is most certainly our favourite to date!

What do you think of the new look?