Young woman makes friends with a lonely 91-year-old lady

A lovely story

Published 31st Aug 2016

A 63-year age gap doesn’t matter to Gemma and her new best friend Edna.

28 year-old Gemma Louise Donhou met a pensioner while waiting for a bus. The pair got chatting and she learned 91-year-old Edna was feeling lonely after losing her husband of 55 years.

Gemma asked for Edna’s number and offered to pop around to her house for a cuppa and a chat. Writing in a Facebook post, she explained,

“We started talking and she told me how she was just going into town for something to do because she was lonely in the house by herself after her husband of 55 years had passed away.”

After a few days, the pair met up for coffee and hit it off straight away. Gemma couldn’t resist getting her new BFF to pose for her first selfie.

Since then, the picture has been shared all over the world. Gemma said Edna is loving the response their story has received, “I told her she’s famous on the Internet and people all over the world have seen our photo and she loved it!”

The pair have plans to meet up for lunch and tea again very soon.