WATCH: Ed Sheeran performs for a seriously ill superfan in hospital

Nine-year-old Melody has a number of medical problems.

Published 17th Nov 2016

Nine-year-old Melody Driscoll got the surprise of her life when her hero Ed Sheeran appeared at her hospital bed.

The little girl, whose parents were told she wouldn't live past four years old, suffers from a number of medical problems including Rett syndrome, a rare, life-limiting neurological disorder.

And when Ed turned up at Epson Hospital in Surrey to perform for her, Melody was over the moon.

Melody, who has a lot of treatments for her conditions, uses Ed's music to take her mind off the pain, her mum Katrina explained.

WATCH: Ed Sheeran performs for Melody and her family »

The superstar singer/songwriter even left Melody with some goodies, including a signed T-shirt and pink guitar.

Melody will celebrate her 10th birthday next month.

We need more musicians like you, Ed!