Things people actually did before smartphones

*Spoiler* - we went outside a lot more!

Friends on their phones
Published 1st Feb 2016

We can all agree that the good old smartphone has shaken things up a bit recently, and life has definitely changed. How many of these can you relate to?

1. When you met up with friends, you TALKED and caught up with each other.

The atmosphere isn’t quite the same when you sit next to them in silence, and tag them in comments on Facebook.

2. Dating meant actually meeting someone without checking their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc.

When you were introduced to a person there was a chance you didn’t already recognise them (and their mum), and know they love Strictly Come Dancing and couldn’t name their pet dog… and it didn’t all get a bit weird.

3. Everyone did not know where you were, ALL THE TIME.

"Be back for tea." - the only instructions you needed.

4. Gigs were watched using your eyes.

Nowadays it’s pretty hard to resist photographing/filming every single thing that happens, and you often end up missing that special moment yourself. Still, at least we've come away with 749 photos of the gig!

5. You couldn't google every symptom you got the second you felt it…

"I think I feel a bit achey...better check Google...oh no."

6. Travelling was a whole different adventure.

It involved maps, actual knowledge of roads, arguments with your human map reader. It’s pretty straight forward now… until your battery dies!

7. You didn’t know every thought that floated inside a person's head at every minute of the day.

“Stood in a queue at Boots. Someone is standing too close to me. Stop breathing down my neck! ARRRGGHHH” Thanks for the update.

8. There were no apps to make you move.

Time to run! Time to run! Time to run!

9. People ate food straight away.

We didn't feel the need to snap a photo of our beans on toast and show the world!