We spend more time looking at food than actually cooking it!

It’s so tasty to look at, though…

Published 26th Sep 2016

A new study has revealed that in Britain, we spend more time digesting ‘food media’ than actually cooking.

Lurpak has published the results of a study on British food browsing habits compared to actual cooking habits. The main statistic that came out of it was that we spend around 5 hours a week engaging in food media, but only 4 hours a week actually creating our own meals!

More stats include:

  • 7 in 10 adults enjoy watching TV cooking shows - 5 in 10 adults try making something they have seen on screen - 1 in 10 adults say it’s been a year since they replicated a dish they saw on TV

The study revealed that we often don’t want to recreate the delicious dishes we have spied on TV or online because of feeling too busy, and thinking that the dish would be too complicated.

Because of this, we are now much more likely to opt for ‘convenience food’, as we also think it will work out cheaper.

After hearing the results of the study, media psychologist Emma Kenny commented, “We need a revolution – let’s get the nation to reconnect with food, and experience the thrill of cooking! In short, we need to get off the sofa and into the kitchen.”

She might have a point, as apparently, 1 in 5 of us only make a dish at home so that we can capture it and post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

Of course, we have never been guilty of that…

Check out our other Foodie Friday creations below!