Remembering the victims of the Manchester Arena attack

All of us here at Magic have been heartbroken by the attack in Manchester on Monday night. Many of the victims were young teenagers and children, who were attending a concert by popstar Ariana Grande. Our hearts go out to all the victims of the attack, as well as their friends and loved ones.

Since the incident on Monday night, the people of Manchester have come together to offer accommodation, supplies and support to concert-goers:

‘I have a sofa, floor, blankets and tea, 5 minutes from Arena for anyone in need #RoomForManchester,’ tweeted Rebecca Topham. And actor Eamon John Gannon offered: ‘I'm 10 mins away from the arena and if anyone needs food drinks or charge your phone or a sofa or anything get in touch #roomformanchester’. These are just two examples taken from hundreds.

At the end of a truly upsetting day for people in Manchester and around the UK, comfort can always be found in the reaction of the public. Coming together, praying together and standing together is the most important reaction we can give, after a tragedy which has brought sorrow to so many people.

If you're concerned about friends or loved ones who may have been affected by the attack in Manchester last night, Greater Manchester Police have set up a phone number: 0161 856 9400

– Us at Magic x