People are donating their first £5 note to charity

Hundreds of people have joined the campaign to donate their first fiver.

Published 23rd Sep 2016

It all started with a straightforward tweet, but it has now raised money for loads of charities all over the UK and abroad!

The idea is simple: when you get a new £5 note, you donate it to charity. The trend has quickly caught on using the hashtag #firstfiver and #FiverGiver on Twitter.

It all started with John Thompson, a corporate fundraising consultant & recruiter, who decided to launch the idea with a simple tweet.

Within a few days of his post, he had received thousands of votes, but in the end, the majority surprisingly voted not to give the money to charity. However, the hashtag caught on and hundreds of people have tweeted photos of their new fivers, saying which charity they were going to give it to.

However, not everyone found out about this campaign before they received their first fiver. As Matthew Horton tweeted,

"If I'd known about the #firstfiver thing, I wouldn't have given mine to my daughters to buy ice cream. #secondfiver"

Such a lovely idea. Will you be donating your #firstfiver to charity? Tweet us @magicfm!