New £1 coin will be here very soon

It is the most secure in the world.

Published 2nd Nov 2016

Royal Mint has started manufacturing the new 12-sided £1 coin ahead of general circulation early next year.

The design was created by 16-year-old David Pearce, a pupil at Queen Mary’s Grammar School in Walsall, who beat over 6,000 other entrants to win a competition last year.

© PA Images

The new coin is said to be the most secure in the world, featuring two metals, hidden messages and secret images to make it harder to counterfeit.

WATCH: The New £1 Coin »

Retailers are fearing confusion as when the new £1 goes into circulation in March 2017, it will be mixed with the old coins in circulation for a further six months.

Speaking to The Telegraph, a spokesperson for the Association of Convenience Stores said,

"Co-circulation of the coins could lead to consumer confusion when using coin-operated machines, depending on when retailers are able to upgrade any machines they have that use £1 coins."

Who knew that a coin could be so high-tech?!