Mum gives her son two lunches every day and finally finds out the heartbreaking reason why

She had been providing two lunches since the start of term.

Published 19th Oct 2016

Josette Duran from Albuquerque, New Mexico is like any other regular mum, except she has been giving her son Dylan two packed lunches every day since the beginning of the school term.

After weeks of providing two lunches, the young mum finally found out why, and the reason was heartbreaking.

Speaking to KOAT TV network, Josette explained that her son had been giving one lunch to a classmate whose family couldn't afford to feed him.

According to Dylan, the little boy would sit by himself eating a fruit cup.

After a few weeks, Josette was called into the school office. The headteacher explained to her that the little boy's mum had found out Josette had been feeding her son. She had just got a job and offered Josette some money, but of course Josette didn't want to accept it.

Josette, who also coaches the school's volleyball team, raised money to feed all the kids whose families couldn't afford lunch and gave over $400 to the school's canteen.

Since her act of kindness was made public, Josette has been inundated with messages of good will. She posted a video on Facebook to thank everyone who had been in touch.

Watch the video below »

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