Movie deaths that made us cry

We still can't accept that they're gone...

Published 10th Mar 2016

If you haven’t seen the films below then be warned that there will be spoilers, if you have then we’re sorry to say you’re about to cry again…

Mufasa – The Lion King It may be the 'circle of life' but we were devastated when Mufasa was killed by his own brother, why do these kids films have to tug on the heart strings so much?

**John Coffey – The Green Mile ** It wasn't just Tom Hanks welling up when John was sentenced to death for a crime he didn't even commit, we couldn't bare it!

**Jack Dawson – Titanic** It was such an emotional scene when Rose let go of Jack and it makes it so much worse that we all know he could have fit on the plank.


**Albus Dumbledore – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince** We lost many of our beloved Harry Potter characters but surely this has to be one of the worst.

**Augustus Waters – The Fault in Our Stars** You could fill a swimming pool with the tears that came as a result of this movie.

**Bubba Blue – Forrest Gump ** Why did this friendship have to be broken up, WHY?

**Ellie Fredricksen – Up ** We didn't know her for very long but wow did the tears pour out when she passed away in the opening sequence of this movie...

**Dobby – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1** At least he got to die with his friends...

**Thomas Sennett – My Girl ** If you hadn't already broken down before this point, the line "Where's his glasses, he can't see without his glasses" surely got you.

**Marley – Marley and Me** Nothing could have prepared us for the death of our favourite Golden Retriever, you might expect to sit down in front of an Owen Wilson movie and experience laughter, not heartbreak!

**Mickey – Rocky III** If it makes someone as tough as Rocky Balboa cry how are we meant to hold back the tears?

**Bambi’s mother – Bambi ** We'll never be strong enough to talk about this...