Man's random acts of kindness melt hearts around the world

He asks strangers around London if he can help them with anything

Published 7th Oct 2016

A kindhearted man embarked on a mission to help strangers with everyday things.

Joe, a London-based Maths tutor, decided that he wanted to dedicate a day to doing nice things for people he didn't know.

In the video, Joe walks around London asking people: "Can I help you with anything?"

At first, people seem sceptical, and Joe admits that most people seemed suspicious of his question.

"People don't really want your help enough for them to put themselves in danger of someone who might have ulterior motives."

Eventually, Joe meets a girl at a bus stop, who suggests paying for the next person's bus fare, which he does.

Speaking to another lady, she tells Joe that his decision is called "altruism, and you are doing something that will make you feel good."

The touching video reached a huge six million views in under 24 hours on Facebook.

The clip was filmed for, a charity that encourages people to take part in acts of kindness and share them online.

We feel very inspired to do more good now!

Read more on their website here.