Loyal Take That fans celebrate winning a lot of money at the weekend

Gary even tweeted fans!

Published 11th Apr 2016

Take That super fans are celebrating today after their loyalty towards the band helped them scoop some cash during the weekend's Grand National.

The winning horse, Rule The World, was backed by thousands of Take That fans due to their 2007 hit song ‘Rule The World’ for the movie Stardust.

As the horse defied the odds to cross the line, many viewers took to Twitter to predict Take That fans would have been the most successful of the day.

It seems they were right as Twitter went wild after frontman Gary Barlow shared his amusement at the winning horse.

After Gary's tweet thousands of excited fans replied with their results.

Fans of the band weren’t the only ones to place the bet. Robbie Williams also shared a tweet showing his success from backing the famous horse. Robbie wasn’t part of the band when they released the hit song, but it seems it is clear where his loyalties lie.

It’s even been speculated the song could make a return to the UK Charts due to the horse’s victory in the popular event.

The news comes after reports suggested Robbie could make a return to the band for their 25th Anniversary tour in 2018.

Fingers crossed!