Lonely pensioner lands a job after advertising in a local newspaper

He doesn't want to rely on his state pension.

Joe Bartley says he is bored of watching TV
Published 1st Dec 2016
Last updated 24th Jan 2017

Widower Joe Bartley says he is bored of watching TV for days on end, so he decided to do something about it.

The 89-year-old former soldier took out an advert in a local newspaper in Devon which said:

'WORK WANTED Senior citizen 89 seeks employment in Paignton area.'

He went on to say that he would like 20+ hours a week and can still clean, do light gardening or DIY.

Joe's aim was to find a job so he could pay his own way and not rely on his state pension. He told the local newspaper, "My wife died two years ago and and I can't get used to living on my own and doing nothing.

"I am so fed up of being here stuck with nothing to do. There is only so much TV you can watch or books to read."

WATCH: Joe talks to the Herald Express »

Since posting his advert in the paper, Joe received a number of job offers, and has now accepted a position at Cantina, a family run kitchen and bar in Torbay!

The bar posted on their Facebook page earlier today:

'Joe came in to meet Kate & Barry and the rest of the team this morning along with lots of our locals. He's a really super guy and it seems like he's going to fit right into our lovely bunch of staff. He is coming along for his first shift this Sunday. He'll also be sharing our family christmas day with us.'

What a guy!