Heartwarming moment policeman helps toddler by coming down to his level

He decided to help calm the struggling toddler by getting down to his level

Published 4th Oct 2016

The young boy started crying and sprawled himself on the floor, so the policeman got down to his level to help him out.

, a Facebook page celebrating random acts of kindness, posted the heartwarming story after the tender moment was caught on camera.

Precious Corner Jones, a member of the Indiana State Police, saw the little boy lying on the floor in the middle of a shopping centre.

His mother had stepped back, saying that this was how her son had started expressing himself recently.

"I decided to get on his level and talk to him," Jones explained.

"He started to cry so I wiped his tears and told him it will be ok."

"As an adult sometimes all we want is one person to stop, get on our level and maybe wipe our tears.

"These children are entitled to bad days just as us, so give them that moment to bring it together."

The officer encourages us all to "get on someone's level and make them smile!"

The post has now been shared over 50,000 times and has over 180,000 likes.

One user wrote, "We (grown ups) are so tall and tower over the little ones. It's quite amazing what happens when we get down to their level."