Hangover-free alcohol could take over regular alcohol by 2050!

Bye-bye headaches.

Published 26th Sep 2016

The worst part of a boozy night out is without a doubt the general aching and sick feeling the next day. But what if we could have one without the other?

Professor David Nutt from Imperial College London has invented a new synthetic drink, which gives the same effects as alcohol, but without the hangover.

The drink is called alcosynth, and it apparently mimics the effects of regular alcohol, making drinkers tipsy and chattier, but without the headache or nausea the next morning!

Speaking to The Independent, Professor Nutt says that he hopes the drink will be available in pubs and bars soon, and believes it could be used to replace alcohol in many of the UK’s favourite cocktails.

He says that alcosynth could mean that we can still have the pleasure of drinking, but without damaging our livers and hearts.

“People want healthier drinks. The drinks industry knows that by 2050 alcohol will be gone,” he says.

Do we have to wait until 2050?!