Flight attendant adopts stray dog who waited for six months outside her hotel

She made a friend for life

Published 15th Aug 2016

Flight stewardess Olivia Sievers travels all over the world for her job, but on one trip she made a friend for life.

Back in February, Olivia spent a few days in Buenos Aires between flights, and spotted a homeless dog in the street. Being an animal lover, she gave him some food, showed him some kindness, and nicknamed him Rubio.

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This warmth and affection was something Rubio didn’t forget, and he decided to do whatever it took to make Olivia his new owner.

The dog waited outside her hotel every night, and even when she tried altering her route to avoid him, he would show up!

Speaking to news channel Noticiero Trece, Olivia explained: “I tried to change my way because I didn’t want him to follow me back to the hotel, but it was not possible. He always came back and followed me. I tried one hour, but he always watched me and followed me. He was really happy that somebody gave him attention.”

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When it was time for Olivia to board a flight back to Germany, she assumed she had seen the last of Rubio, but he wasn’t going to forget her any time soon.

Six months later, her job brought her back to Buenos Aires, and she was stunned to find Rubio waiting outside her hotel again!

Realising it was love at first sight, Olivia decided to fill in the paperwork and adopt the stray dog.

After all the necessary checks, Rubio boarded the long flight from Argentina to Europe, and left his life on the streets behind him as he settled in with his new family.

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