You can play vinyl records with the new fiver!

Bringing together old and new.

Published 11th Oct 2016

It's been almost a month since the new polymer five pound note entered circulation in England and people have had lot of fun with it.

When they were released, we were told they were more durable than their paper counterparts and could even survive a cycle in the washing machine. But who knew they could be used as a needle to play a record?!

A video has emerged recently of someone using a new fiver to play a vinyl record, and it's actually pretty impressive.

We were a little sceptical at first, but a number of different videos have now come to light attracting thousands of views, including this one of someone playing Abba's 'Money, Money, Money'"

On Facebook, a user known as 'Tom S' uploaded a video only four days ago and has attracted over one million views since.

It turns out that by placing the corner of the note on the spinning record, music will sound. However, some videos admit that they have an amplifier and microphone hidden off-camera.

Still, we reckon it's worth a go. Move over, Calvin Harris!