Artist leaves positive messages around London to lift commuters' wellbeing

'Love yourself as much as dogs love walkies'

Published 24th Oct 2016

A London-based artist has decided to pin up positive messages around the city to improve the mental wellbeing of commuters.

Artist Andy Leek decided to start Notes For Strangers when he began to suffer with mental health issues himself.

Andy told The Huffington Post UK, "It was caused by working too hard, commuting for too long and not looking after my mental wellbeing. Something that I feel is far too common in modern society."

"There is no place more miserable than a packed commuter train, so I thought this would be a great place to inject a bit of positivity."

Andy has been encouraging people to photograph the notes and post them on social media, tagging his Instagram account in the posts.

He hopes to strike a chord with commuters around the city and make a difference to their day.

Go to Andy's Instagram account to see more of his positive notes.

Have you seen any of Andy's messages around the city? Tweet us @magicfm or tag us on Instagram!