15 parental sayings we got sick of hearing as kids
Mum said ask dad, dad said ask mum, we take a look at 15 'classic' parental sayings from when we were growing up
Mum said ask dad, dad said ask mum, we take a look at 15 'classic' parental sayings from when we were growing up...
1. Because I said so... Ah the classic shut down where no further explanation was provided.
2. Ask your mum/dad. Classic deflection, sending you from one parent to the other.
3. No dessert unless you finish dinner. Bribery, ok you win this round, I'll eat my peas.
4. I want, never gets But...but...I want!
5. Close the door you weren't born in a barn! Good to know.
6. It'll all end in tears. Ok so maybe 9 times out of 10 this was right, but that one time everything was fine!
7. There is no such word as 'can't'. We've checked with the dictionary, cannot is in there, so we're using it!
8. Do as I say not as I do. Aren't parents meant to be role models?
9. Who is 'she'? The cat's mother? We still aren't sure we get this one.
10. I've told you a thousand times. Sorry mum/dad, this won't be the last time.
11. Wait and see. Ok we weren't the most patient of kids.
12. If you eat your carrots your hair will go curly. Yeah mum we didn't really want that!
13. Say pardon not 'what'. As kids we just weren't posh/polite enough to stick this one out.
14. If someone asked you to jump off a cliff would you? Ok good point. We probably were a bit a too impressionable.
15. Back in my day. As we get older we're now using this ourselves!
Read our full list of lies our parents told us as children.