10 signs it is a bank holiday

Ah bank holidays, those extra special days that we're gifted of work and school, here are 10 signs that Monday is a 'special' Monday...

Published 23rd Mar 2016

10 things to look out for on Bank Holiday Weekend

1. Harry Potter on TV We've got this on DVD and never watch it but when it's on TV we'll watch it everytime.

2. The shopping stampede. Supermarkets, clothes shops or anywhere really. Nowhere is safe on Bank Holiday weekend. Save yourself. 3. Car boot sales. A chance to get rid of all that stuff you don't need and buy even more stuff you don't need.

4. Time in the pub. Whether it's for a meal with the family or drinks with friends, there's nothing better than being in the pub on a week day!

5. Hungover people. It's like an episode of The Walking Dead.

6. Reunions. It's 2pm on a Monday and we're all hanging out. Best day ever!

7. People will forget what day it is. This usually comes on the Tuesday after bank holiday Monday. “Oh, it feels like Monday, doesn’t it?” is the most common phrase of the day.

8. Terrible TV There’s nothing good on but we'll sit and watch it anyway.

9. Road trip No bank holiday is complete without a road trip (even if it is just to see one of our relatives)

10. Picnics Families will venture out with their blanket and Tupperware for an alfresco feast like no other.