Paul Hayes

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Paul Hayes

About Paul Hayes

Paul Hayes joined Magic in 2013 after returning from 3 years living and working in Dubai, UAE and Montreal, Canada, where he replaced nearly 50 degree heat and sandstorms for minus 40 and snowstorms. Being on-air there had its challenges too, with a story about a ‘jumper’ getting frozen on a washing line not being understood (until he said ‘sweater’).

Paul is obsessed with cooking and food, after taking two ‘Haute Cuisine’ courses, and loves rustling up comfort food and trying out new recipes. Apart from the kitchen, his other favourite places to be are out in the countryside, at the coast, or in a theatre.

He’s massively into cars and has been since he was 4 years old, and is now having to exercise some serious will power to avoid changing it as often - one year he got through 3. One of his favourite experiences was a track day at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire.

Join Paul Monday to Friday on Magic to start the day on Early Breakfast (4-6am) and weekends 4-8pm.

You can also hear him on Mellow Magic weekdays 9am-12pm and Magic Soul 2-5pm.

You can find him on twitter and Instagram: @hayesonair

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