Heroic dog saves boy with Down’s Syndrome after he gets trapped in a tumble dryer

Well done to Teddy the Cockapoo!

Published 16th Nov 2016
Last updated 23rd Jan 2017

It was all thanks to the heroic family pet Teddy that five-year-old Riley Gedge-Duffy wasn't more badly injured.

The young boy from Bangor, Northern Ireland has Down's Syndrome and became trapped in the family's tumble dryer when it started automatically after the door shut. The family Cockapoo noticed the little boy in trouble, and he immediately alerted his owner by running upstairs where Riley's mum was vacuuming.

When Teddy began to go berserk, Aaron, Riley's father, said that "Riley's mum knew something was not right".

She went down to investigate, and could "hear banging and crashing and could see Riley's iPad going round and round".

She quickly ran to his aid, pulling him out of the tumble dryer, pouring cold water on him. Aaron said he arrived shortly after, and took the little boy to the shower to cover him with more cold water before calling the ambulance, who were there in just six minutes.

Riley's injuries | © Aaron Duffy

Riley was rushed to hospital and is currently receiving treatment, but he is doing very well considering the ordeal he has been through.

According to Aaron, it isn't the first time the family pet has warned them about danger: "The dog alerted us that an iPhone charger was catching fire," he said. "She’s a brilliant dog, it is amazing."

Get well soon Riley!