Baby twins are confusing the internet because the one born first is younger than his brother

Yes you read that correctly.

Published 4th Jan 2017
Last updated 23rd Jan 2017

Samuel and Ronan were born last year in the US and are both normal little boys except for one thing.

Samuel (who was born first) is technically YOUNGER than his brother Ronan who was born second.

No, that isn't a typo, you read that correctly. While the birth itself wasn't unusual, the time at which it happened was.

The boys were born on the 6th November, the day America changes from Summer Time to Daylight Saving Time. Samuel was born at 1.39am, but at 2am the clocks went back an hour, meaning Ronan was born at 1.10am (rather than 2.10am if the clocks hadn't changed).

Granted this is a little confusing and while Ronan was of course born 31 minutes AFTER his brother, the actual time of their births are recorded as Ronan being born first.

However the parents of the twins had suspected this might happen as dad Seth explained,

“I said earlier that night that they were either going to be born on two different days or the time change was going to come into play.”

Mother of the twins Emily even commented that during Ronan's birth she saw the hands of the clock winding back!

This occurrence is very unusual and maternity nurse at the hospital, Deb Totten said it was the first time she has ever seen this happen in more than 40 years of nursing.

Since the hospital posted the riddle back in November it has continued to gain interest from around the globe with thousands of reactions, and comments added daily.