The Yorkshire pudding burrito reinvents the Sunday roast

A modern twist on a traditional Sunday dinner.

Published 26th Sep 2017
Last updated 26th Sep 2017

At Magic HQ we're partial to a twist on food norms come lunch time (crisp sandwich anyone?). But here's one dish that we're yet to try…

Last week The York Roast Co's 'Yorky Pud' became a global sensation after the small Yorkshire cafe posted a photo of their take on the traditional roast on their Facebook page, with the caption "Yorkshire pudding wrap. Who could say no?"

Well, it seems they were right!

The original photo of the Yorky Pud (think flattened yorkshire pudding, wrapped around meat, stuffing, veg and – of course – the all important gravy) has gathered over 30,000 shares on Facebook.

Whilst those in the know have been feasting on the wrapped–up–roast since it was added to the menu back in March, the family run business now sees hordes of hungry locals – as well as those travelling from far further afield – queuing patiently for the social media sensation!

So, Sunday lunch on the go? What do you think? Let us know on our Facebook or Twitter.

As for us, while we're not prepared to permanently forego a knife and fork, we think we may have to join the queue!